Friday, April 07, 2006

"When I Get to be a Birdie.."

One common explanation given to a 2-year-old for why she can't do something now is that she has to wait, as in "when you get to be a grown up, then you can drive a car." Jordi grasps this concept well, and has taken to applying it very liberally when processing new information or experiences.

For example, here's a conversation we had yesterday as we walked from the car to the house:
Jordi, pointing to a white spot on the driveway: "Mommy, what's that spot?"
"That's bird poop."
"Well, birds sit in trees and, see those branches up there? that's where they sit and sometimes while they're sitting there, they poop, and it lands in the driveway. See? there's some more white spots.. more bird poop!"
"Yeah! More bird poop on the driveway!"
"Don't touch it, Jordi, just look at it..."
"OK, Mommy. Mommy? when I get to be a birdie, I will be in the tree, and I will poop on the driveway..."

As if hearing it the first time wasn't amusing enough, Jordi was so pleased with her conclusion that she brought it up for discussion several more times throughout the day! Too much!

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