Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Dogwood Tree

Each spring, one of my favorite blooming trees is the dogwood. This year, we have a lovely pink dogwood tree in the front yard. The girls & I enjoyed several nice afternoons underneath or near it during the two weeks or so it was in bloom. But now that it's leafed out, it looks like the other trees in the yard.

The other day, Jordi & I were getting the mail and checking on our potted plant out front. We'd been out there for a little while when Jordi stopped what she was doing, stood up, and looked around from side to side, as if she was trying to find something. I soon figured out what she was looking for when she asked, "Mommy, where'd the tree with all the pink flowers go?" I was so glad she noticed! We then spent some time checking out the dropped petals covering the ground and the new green leaves that took their place on the tree. As an added bonus, we even found a robin's eggshell on the ground!

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