Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bread Hair

As you may know, Jordi attends weekly ballet lessons on Monday nights. Their big recital is coming up in May, and we've been letting her hair grow out a bit so that we can put it up properly for her stage debut. So, the other day when we were talking about going to ballet class, we had the following conversation:

"Mommy, maybe today you can make my hair into a bread, so when I get there, I will show Miss Maria that I have my hair right for ballet."

"Oh, a bread? Do you mean a braid?"

"No, Mommy.. a BREAD. Sometimes Little Emily's mommy puts her hair up, like this (gesturing on top of her head with her hands), when she is going to ballet class."

A-ha! I get it! "Aaah, you mean a BUN! You want Mommy to put your hair in a BUN for ballet class!"

"Yes, Mommy! A bun..."

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